Yes, you can, as long as the item has not been received by the vendor or shipped. If the order has already been sent to the vendor we will attempt to cancel the order, but cannot guarantee that the cancellation will be possible. If you do receive an order that was canceled, accept delivery of the item and call us for return instructions.
Our vendors ship products before the estimated delivery in the vast majority of cases. On occasion, however, an order may be delayed due to availability or other circumstances. In the unlikely event there is a change or delay in filling your order, we will notify you. We know that this can be inconvenient, and we will offer you alternatives as appropriate to your situation.
The standard shipping time for orders shipped via UPS ground is 5-10 days. Large orders are shipped via common carrier (trucking company) and may take up to 21-28 days to arrive.
No. The vast majority of our merchandise is shipped via UPS, and a valid street address is needed to ensure proper delivery. If a P.O. Box is used as a shipping address, an error message will appear when submitting the order. We also cannot deliver to A.P.O., F.P.O. or foreign addresses.
Yes! When you place your order and come to the Check Out screen, just replace your address with the address you want to ship your merchandise to, then continue. Remember to use a street address, not a Post Office Box, for any shipping address.
Shipping charges vary according to product type and destination.
Because we do not warehouse any of our items, your order is shipped directly from one of our thousands of authorized vendors across the country. The individual vendors ultimately determine the method of product shipment. Therefore, we are not able to reduce shipping charges for any reason.
Most products are shipped via UPS (because they offer package insurance and excellent tracking software). Larger items are generally shipped via common carrier, and require higher shipping rates. Select products offer an express shipping option. In most cases, this rapid delivery requires an additional fee.